Excelsior Pass: 2021-2023

In 2021, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I added an app to my cell phone that would automatically provide my vaccination status if needed or requested. For example, if you want to attend a concert and need to show your vaccination status, all you do is whip out your cell phone, press the little app button, and boom the attendant can see you’re fully Pfizered and ready to party.

I have to admit, the Excelsior Pass was pretty accurate. It tracked every time I received a booster shot and where the shots were injected (address, silly, all the shots went in my arm). Heck, the app even knew when I legally changed my first name from Charles to Chuck. I mean, it kinda borders on Big Brother is Watching You, but if it means people don’t have to worry about me spreading COVID-19, then we’re good.

Well, it turns out we’re now at a point of new normalcy … in that I received a notice from the Excelsior Pass app.

At the end of July, it’s going away.

According to this link from New York State, the Excelsior Pass will be removed from the Apple Store and Google Play portals on July 23, 2023. It will not longer receive updates or technical support after that time, and it won’t automatically update when you receive your newest Fauci Ouchie.

I will say this, though. It’s a good thing I saved my old CDC vaccination card. Just in case the app stops working after July 23.

But I’m not complaining. I liked the Excelsior Pass, and it did provide a sense of completion and comfort. So there’s that.

And after July 23rd … it’s one fewer app in my lineup.

Which will probably be replaced by some other application. One for one. It’s always the way. πŸ˜€