A cast iron pan designed just for breakfast sausage? The devil you say!

A few weeks ago, when I ordered some boutique food online (by “boutique” I mean some Pennsylvania Dutch meats and cheeses), I needed to purchase one more item for free shipping.

Well, I already ordered some of the company’s breakfast sausages, and there was an offer for what looked like a weirdly-shaped cast iron pan.

Ah, what the hell. I’m having a love-hate affair with cast iron right now, I’ll order the pan. Worst case scenario, it’ll gather dust in my pantry.

And here’s what arrived.

Apparently this is a UPAN cast iron sausage pan. You add butter or oil in the pan, place your sausages or hot dogs or kielbasa in the channels, and supposedly this gizmo actually cooks the sausage more evenly than if the sausages rested in a standard frying pan.

So I tried the pan. I put some of the company’s sausages in it … cooked the sausages for four minutes, turned the sausages over, cooked them for another two to three minutes … put them on a plate … and …

Oh my God. These things are delicious.

Okay, that was just one test. Anything can happen with one test. Let’s try this again.

Another set of sausages. Cook. Turn. Cook. And …

I swear by the patron saints of Julia Child and Graham Kerr, this thing works.

But the last time I posted an entry in the “Bachelor Cooking” category of my blog, someone noted tha I didn’t add any pictures.

Fine. You want pictures? I want some breakfast. Let’s work together on this.

A quick trip to the grocery store, and I returned with some breakfast sausages.

A little butter in this UPAN sausage pan.

Once the butter melted, I put some of the breakfast sausages in the channels. Three sausages ought to feed a hungry man.

Four minutes later … I used some tongs to turn the sausages.

Sweet Lord, look at those cook marks on the sausage. That looks juicy and crispy. And the other two sausages are plumping up nicely.

A few minutes later – with the addition of a fried egg in another pan – and breakfast was ready.

Now supposedly I can make more than just breakfast sausage in this pan. I sure hope so, because I’d like to use this thing for more varied meals.

I understand I could wrap a strip of uncooked bacon around a hot dog and cook it in this pan as well. And there’s also some British delicacy called “toad in the hole,” that apparently this pan can create with ease.

But yeah. This sausage pan rocks.

And yeah … I want to try more recipes in this device. For sure.

FTC DISCLAIMER: At no time did I receive or request any payment or remuneration in exchange for a review of this product. The reviews and opinions expressed in this blog are the opinions of Chuck Miller and no one else.