He isn’t gone, and you don’t miss him, you filthy scammer.

You have to be tremendously vigilant on social media. I say that because there are numerous scammers and thieves and criminals who will try to compromise your social media account for their own sinister purposes.

Let me post two examples of this scam.

Yesterday, this appeared on one of my friends’ Facebook pages.

Now you scroll down the page a bit … and you see this on someone else’s FB feed – someone totally unrelated to the previously tagged FB friend.

Interesting. The same language in both posts … but one uses crying emojis, while the other one uses broken heart emogis. All written by the same person. Or at least the same FB identity.


The “comment” in the page later links to some nefarious alphabet soup of a website. Clicking on that could cause you a serious case of horrible suffering. That link could infect your computer with malware. That link could sneak into your bank account and drain you dry. That link could steal your password and create a zombie version of your social media account, with the goal of infecting all your friends and all of THEIR friends.

Yeah, it’s a social media version of The Walking Dead.

If you see these posts, report them. Let people know that these links are poison.

Trust me. Social media is already a cesspool.

We don’t need to add more cess to it.

Thanks for attending my TEDx Talk. 😀