What’s Up in the Neighborhood, January 20 2024

Before I start this week’s recap of the blog posts and photos from the great people on my personal blogroll, I need to let you know that I’ve removed one of the links.

I’ve removed the Nippertown community art link to my page. And I didn’t do it without a lot of thought.

See, last week I discovered that the person who currently operates Nippertown – the person who took it over from Greg Haymes after Haymes passed away – has a very scummy past. See the link. 

So until I receive confirmation that the guy is no longer part of the Nippertown website, Nippertown comes off my blogroll. Again, I’m not someone who makes these decisions willy-nilly. But there are some roads you just can’t cross. I’m sorry.

That being said … let’s talk about more pleasant thinks. 

Have a great weekend, everybody!