Sex Lady in Watervliet for $9.99!

Over the weekend, I dropped my laundry off at a wash-and-fold place in Watervliet.  Next door to the laundromat was a sushi restaurant.  Hmm… I’m not normally one for sushi, but I’m willing to see what’s on the menu…


Apparently there’s a type of sushi called a “Sexy Lady,” which is a riceless sushi that contains salmon, tuna, shrimp tempura, cucumbers, avocados, chili oil and eel sauce.  Quite a delicacy.

Except that the restaurant at the Watervliet sushi place had THIS on the menu.


Yep… in Watervliet, you can get a sex lady for under $10.  Proof is right there.

Let the jokes commence.  Keep ’em clean, though…