Competing in a calendar contest

Point of disclosure.  I enter a TON of photography competitions each year.  Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but the competition is always there.

This year, I’m trying something new.

It’s a local photo calendar contest, where the winners will be featured on Sunmark Federal Credit Union’s upcoming calendar.  If you want to enter the competition, here’s a direct link to the contest webpage..

The winning photo will earn a $150 VISA gift card, and will be featured on the cover of their upcoming calendar.  Eleven other winners will also appear on the calendar.

The entry has to be of a Capital District place or area.  That being said …

I dusted off this classic for one more run at a ribbon.

Midnight at the Palace. Nikon F100 camera, Efke 25 film, Kiev 20H fisheye lens. Photo by Chuck Miller.

Yep.  It’s my classic Midnight at the Palace Theater, shot in 2011 with a high-contrast Croatian black and white film, along with a high-powered Russian fisheye lens.  Swank.

I neatened up a few of the highlights, and submitted it to the Sunmark Calendar Photo Contest.  They need at least 20 “votes” for this photo to make it to the next round of judging, so if you are able to “vote” for this photo, I would greatly appreciate it.

Here’s a link where you can cast your vote.  It’s just like Albany politics – vote early and often. 😀

Now you’re probably wondering … “Chuck, why didn’t you ask people to vote for you in popularity competitions like this?”

Simple.  When I blogged with the Times Union, Sunmark Federal Credit Union was a Times Union sponsor.  Ethically, I couldn’t enter the competition back then as it would create a perceived quid pro quo.  Now that I’m not affiliated with the TU, I can enter the contest with a clean conscience.

As far as I’m concerned, if it gets in, fantastic.  If it doesn’t, no worries.

But I’d kinda like to let you know that I’m doing this – especially if you also have a photo that you feel would be perfect for the calendar competition and you wish to enter same.  I’m cool with that.  The more the merrier.

So if I get the photo into the judging round – that would be awesome.

Voting continues up to August 13, 2018.