Have I run out of snowflake time?

I’ve kept tabs on the weather report oflate.  On one glance, it’s telling me I have at least one more snow day, the next glance I’m seeing rain and sunshine and warmer temperatures.

For all intents and purposes, I may have one snowflake day left … or I may have NO snowflake days left.


So I may have to enter Competition Season with four days worth of snowflakes that I’ve captured at one point or another while I was figuring out my gear and settings.

Double urgh.

I went back to my archives, back to my five days of shooting.  And photos that I thought were winners – now look like hopeless first drafts of a hack novel.

Self-criticism.  it’s a crazy thing.

But in the end, if I don’t get another snowflake photo this year, I have three images that are worth considering.

And I can’t decide which one I like best.

So in instances like this, I turn to you, my blog readers.

Here are my three images – which I will classify as “Snowflake 4,” “Snowflake 5” and “Snowflake 6.”  In the comments section below, please let me know which photo you think stands out among all three – a picture that, if I don’t get another snowflake day this winter, I should run with in Competition Season.

Here is Snowflake 4.

Snowflake 4. Nikon Df camera, Mitakon Zhongyi 20mm f/2 4.5x lens. Photo (c) Chuck Miller, all rights reserved.

One single snowflake, with a lot of definition on the stems.  This was taken with the strip of black velvet.

Here’s Snowflake 5.

Snowflake 5. Nikon Df camera, Mitakon Zhongyi 20mm f/2 4.5x lens. Photo (c) Chuck Miller, all rights reserved.

This was taken with a strip of black T-shirt material.  Rather than crop down to one excellent snowflake, I simply took the shot that had all the best snowflakes together.

And here’s Snowflake 6.

Snowflake 6. Nikon Df camera, Mitakon Zhongyi 20mm f/2 4.5x lens. Photo (c) Chuck Miller, all rights reserved.

It’s definitely a sharp one … might be a bit busy … but that might be its charm.

Okay, people.  I’ve created a poll for you, if you vote, please also give me a comment or two about why you picked a certain image over the others.

This way, at least if my next snow day doesn’t happen until December…

At least I’ve got something in my arsenal for Competition Season 2019.