So now I have a podcast.

So … one day I was up early in the morning, scribbling out my blog for the day – because that’s how I roll, write the blog early in the morning – and there was a new message on my WordPress blog platform.

Did I want to turn my blog post into a podcast?

Wait, I can do this?

And once I create this podcast, I can upload it to Spotify? So that I can make thousands of podcasts and get paid pennies for my efforts?

Hey, it’s at least more than I made with my previous platform, so…

So here’s the deal. I’ll try this as a trial run. I’ll post a classic blog story from 12+ years of blogging, all the funny, heartbreaking, inspiring and challenging things that you’ve read about in this portal. I’ll give this a try.

If you want to check it out, yes, I’m on Spotify at this link, and we will see how this turns out.

Look, I’m not promising that I’m the second coming of Ira Glass, but at least it’s a new avenue with which to enjoy the blog. And as I get more comfortable with this platform, I’ll add some nice features to this.

But for now, I’ll give the new platform a chance.

I mean, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

No, really, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

Oh, yeah … besides that.